Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ketchup with Some Smiles

For those of you wishing you could brighten your ham/veggieburger with something low in calories and just a little bit special, try this trick mothers have used for centuries on sandwiches: draw a smiley face out of ketchup. Make it creative and as detailed as you can (mixing your grown-up talents now with the joys of being a kid) Now, smile at your masterpiece and dig in.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Time to Get Distracted

Yesterday I was flying my way across the country after a wonderful vacation with good friends in Montana. On my way through Chicago, I felt like a kid in the candy store in terms of visual pleasure (hello! There was a huge dinosaur skeleton in Terminal B!). The O'Hare airport gets a lot of bad rap for being super busy and inconvenient to fly through. While some of those complaints are legitimate, many of those delayed or waiting, maybe even just walking around the airport, do little to enjoy the aesthetic beauty of the airport.

In terms of the InnerKid, we should all allow ourselves to get distracted once and a while on something special. While there are many distractions in the adult life, normally they are stressful. But kids embrace these distractions and enjoy every single moment of them. For those walking with your heads down to your phone while beautiful neon lights play to music above your head in the transfer corridor, maybe you should put away that phone and look up. Let yourself be enthralled by the technology that is meant to be enjoyed and looked at. Don't be sucked in by Angry Birds while walking somewhere...it can wait until you are stuck on the plane on the tarmac for an hour. ;-)