Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bringing Back the Bouncy Ball

Here's the first example of how you can incorporate InnerKid into your every day life:

When I was younger, bouncy balls used to be the most amazing toy in the world. Whenever I had those tiny little super balls from the grocery store dispenser, it turned into tons of time spent seeing just how high I could make it bounce as well as how many walls it could hit against before stopping (the parents didn't really appreciate that one). It got even worse walking into superstores or toy stores where they had those HUGE containers of bigger bouncy balls that stretched to the ceiling and the only thing separating you from your future enjoyment was crisscrossing of strings. Again, I think my parents cursed the brilliant salespeople who placed them there as I swore I would never ask for anything again if I could just buy that one swirly blue ball.

Anyway, what if you brought back the bouncy ball?

In my room, I have decided to do away with chairs as they were making my legs and back ache. Instead, I purchased the largest exercise ball I could possibly find (here we go with the more mature version of the bouncy ball). Now when I work on my computer, I have much more versatility as to what I can achieve during the day. I can roll around and around while holding on to my desk and reading an e-mail. While singing to music, I can make the new "chair" bounce up and down with me like a kangaroo. I can even do sit-ups when waiting for my stupidly slow Internet to connect. This provides me with so much more energy and fun than my previous method of making my butt sore.

So how does this fulfill the InnerKid? You are not only making your work environment more fun, but you are also changing your world by making it more open to more physical activity (those small movements really do add up in terms of burning calories!). It's fun and healthy!

Go out as soon as possible, buy one, and try it at your computer at home! If you love it, bring one to your work desk if you have that capability. Nervous about being the odd one out? Recruit a friend and the two of you can laugh and hop around while burning calories while those silly co-workers of yours watch in confusion.

Do it. Bring back the bouncy ball.

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